2015 was a year! Professionally and personally it was quite challenging. My nieces were born, my mother-in-law passed away in April, my Spring semester kept me on my toes, my first freshman class graduated, in July we got kittens, my summer was full with prep and other projects, and my Fall semester was super busy and very fulfilling.
2015 Goals
1. Finish 12 knitting projects. No
2. Spin 4 oz of fiber every month. No
3. Start 12 pairs of socks for me. No
4. Finish 3 pairs of socks for Darren, 2 pairs of socks for my mom, 2 pairs of socks for my sister, 1 pair of socks for my sister-in-law, 1 pair of socks for my dad, and 1 pair of socks for my brother. No
I met none of my knitting goals this year. I didn’t knit nearly as much as I hoped to, and the kittens and busy teaching contributed to this. I had ambitious goals. I hope to knit more in 2016!
5. Read 75 books. No. I changed my goodreads goal to 25 books, and I’m not sure I even met that.
6. Finish a publication. Yes! I had an article published about Juniata’s yarn bomb that I co-wrote with a student. It was a great accomplishment. I am hoping to write more with students in the coming years.
7. Start a new research project. Sort of. I have a couple of projects on the burners. None of them are completely new.
8. Stick with Weight Watchers all year. No
9. Get in regular activity all year. No
10. Finish unpacking. Yes! Without Darren this would never have happened.
2016 Shall be the year of…
1. Cross-stitch: 2 finished projects
2. Spinning: 12 finished skeins
3. Sock Knitting: 24 finished pairs
4. WIPs: How many can I finish from before 2016?
5. Books: 24 finished books
6. Teaching portfolio: That sucker is due in June
7. Podcasts: At least one a month. I would like to get on an every other week recording schedule.
8. Board games: This seems likely.
9. Travel: This also seems likely. Right now I’ve plans to go to Memphis, Houston, MD Sheep & Wool, Columbus, Orlando, Door County, Dallas, Chicago.
10. Serenity: Some kind of regular spiritual practice, perhaps yoga or journaling.
Cheers to you all welcoming in 2016!
crazy times! I am sorry to hear about your mother-in-law 🙁
You are a super productive, amazing person, and I have no doubt 2016 will be looking up for you! Love the Christmas sock post I saw on FB!
Thank you. I hope 2016 brings you much knitting and spinning joy!
If you have time for a meet up planned when you are in Houston let me know.
I will do that, sounds fun!
To Learn List 2016 | Knitting the Stash!
[…] by your posts about plans for 2016! Check out Knit Me For A Loop, The Gift of Knitting, and Traveling Sock Knitter as excellent […]