For 2019, my words were connection and kindness. This year brought a lot of changes to my life. I was diagnosed with a chronic illness in March, we had a 10 now 11 year old come live with us in July, I came back from sabbatical and started in my new role as Director of Writing at Juniata.
2019 Goals and Updates
Morning Routine. SOMETIMES
The goal was four simple things: meditation, breakfast, planning, and getting dressed (an important sabbatical goal!) About half way through the year when sabbatical ended, the goal shifted to mediation and planning, as breakfast and getting dressed became pretty easy once I had somewhere to go and an 11 year old to feed. I will have a 2020 goal for meditation and planning.
Cooking. YES
I did lots of menu planning, tried new recipes, and used a lot more of the CSA veggies every week than ever before.
Reading. YES
My goal was 2 books a month, and half way through the year I upped it to 3 books a month when I met that goal. In the end, I read 41 books this year, and did 20/24 books from the Reading Women podcast challenge this year.
Crafting. SORT OF
I didn’t finish a cross-stitch project this year or get back into spinning. However, I joined a Harry Potter cross-stitch and knitting challenge, which sparked my crafting and helped me finish lots of knitting projects.
Research. YES
I published two blog posts, a game/critical essay, and I presented at a number of conferences. I had a very productive sabbatical though it mostly fell off once the semester started.
Family. YES
Family changes, lots of meals and activities together. Being a parent is both the best and the most challenging all at the same time. It’s been a wild 5 months so far.
2020 Goals
My word for the year is mindful. I want a word that is the opposite of worry, but still reflects thoughtfulness and consideration. Personally, I want to work on fostering the best in others and allowing them to shine in my family and at work. I plan to track daily, weekly, and monthly goals to help me make progress towards the annual goals.
Meditation, planning, and writing regularly.
Read 36 books, including 12 middle grade books with D.
Participate in the Harry Potter knit and crochet house cup for all 3 sessions. Complete 2 OWLs (bigger knitting projects).
Continue with menu planning, shopping, and cooking.
Go hiking more often and explore Central Pennsylvania.
Sounds like a great plan 🙂 Wishing you a happy New Year!