Episode 75: Full of Excuses


Today’s segments include: drafting, lit review, Top ten Rhinebeck favorite things, and noteworthy.

Rambutan socks by Cookie A in Socks that Rock Mediumweight colorway Strange Brew on size 1.5/2.5mm 32″ Addi Lace Turbo. SKA October Variegated yarn challenge.

Newton socks by Cookie A in Hazel Knits artisan colorway Braeburn on size 1/2.25mm 32″ Hiya Hiya sharp circular. SKA November Flora challenge.

Gyokuro socks by Cookie A in Hazel knits artisan sock colorway Atmosphere on size 1/2.25mm 32″ Hiya Hiya sharp circular. SKA September cables challenge.

Fish lips kiss heel socks by Sox Therapist in Fibernymph dyeworks bounce colorway Soft Kitty on size 1/2.25mm 32″ Hiya Hiya sharp circular.

Spinning Into the Whirled BFL colorway element #5 on my Bosworth mini. Plying on the fly! I try to spin a little everyday.

Lit Review: I’ve been listening to a lot of book podcasts lately–The Readers, Books on the Nightstand, and the 2 Knit Lit Chicks. The Readers do a nice segment kind of like Drafting, Fully Drafted, and Brainstorming, but for books. I wanted to do this today. What I’ve read, What I’m Reading, What I’m planning to read next!

What I’ve Read:
The Martian by Andy Weir

Good book, especially if you’re a sci-fi fan like me, but it’s not hit you over the head sci-fi and will likely appeal to a broader audience. The premise is that the main character of this book went on a Mars mission and was accidentally left alone on Mars. The story is about what happens after he is left alone. Some of it is very scienc-y and on the boring side. I did tend to tune out these parts as I listened to the book. The other parts of the book that seemed like they should be boring were actually quite fascinating. I was on the edge of my seat as I listened. I gave the book 4 stars on Goodreads. I feel pretty sure there was a reference to Mark Watney (the main character)’s mother knitting for him, but I can’t find it, and it’s been awhile since I listened to the book.

Y: The Last Man volumes 1-10 by Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra, & Jose Marzan Jr.

Just finished the series, and I really enjoyed it! The premise is that all the men in the world have died from a plague, all at the same time, and only one man remains. He was an English major, pretty nerdy, and he goes on a journey with two women who are trying to find a way to continue life on earth through him as the last remaining man. Probably one of my favorite thing about this series is that it addresses directly a world that changes but doesn’t change a whole lot in the absence of men. There’s still voilence, still people killing other people to protect themselves. Also, one of the main characters, 355, is a knitter, which is awesome.

I am currently reading Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel

Next up is The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien

Top Ten Rhinebeck Favorite Things:

1. Into the Whirled yarn
2. Bosworth spindle mini
3. Into the Whirled fiber
4. Fiberoptic Fiber
5. O Wool
6. soap
7. the house with 6 bathrooms
8. apple cider doughnut
9. kitschy dinner locale
10. fiber festivals in the fall


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